Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How Barack Obama Is Thriving In Spite of His "Toby" Moment

Many of us know the scene well from Alex Haley's Roots. Kunta Kinte, the proud, young African has been captured. He has endured the Middle Passage and sold in America on an Annapolis, Maryland auction block. He must now endure life on a Spotsylvania County, Virginia plantation.

He still has his energy. He still has his confidence. He still has his fire. He still has his love for his people, his homeland and his way of life. He does not want to disconnect from his family, his heritage or his faith.

The overseer is offended that he has not accepted the good name his new master (Master Reynolds) has chosen for him.
So he seeks to beat that pride out of him. It is the "lesson" he must learn about how things have been done and are done on "this hear land".

Watch it here.

For weeks now, I have not been able to get this image out of my head.

The Pursuit of the Proud American with the African Name

I see how it directly relates to this historical moment of Sen. Barack Obama, the proud American with the African name and heritage, as he runs for President of the United States and I'll explain how in this essay.

Ever since he entered the race for president, people have been trying to capture Barack Obama. They have been trying to find whatever evidence they could to discredit him and kill his spirit. It is something that many African-Americans know deeply and converse about at water coolers, on Internet blogs and listervs and on Sunday mornings after service.

Capture him! "Let's bring up his past drug use." (He talked about it freely in "Dreams of My Father" long before he decided to run for President of the United States.)

Capture him! "Let's excoriate him for his church membership. You know they have that black value system. That must be racist."

Capture him! "Let's crucify him because he is the son of a man who practiced the Muslim faith. You know his grandmother in Kenya is a Muslim, too."

Capture him! "Let's get him because he and his wife live in that nice mansion in Hyde Park. How'd he get a mansion like that? It must have been something illegal. You know they don't deserve to live like that."

In the meantime, Barack Obama has caught America on fire. He has set the nation ablaze warm with thoughts of hope, change, possibility and America living up to its promise and responsiblity to the "least of these" - the poor and the disenfranchised.

Obama, the proud American with the African name and heritage, continues to conquer in spite of the capture. He conquers territories unimagined. He wins the popular election - the vote of the masses - in Democratic primaries in states that do not have majority populations of people of color. As his wife so aptly says there has never been a moment when a candidate like this can win states like "Idaho, Washington, Maine and Hawaii."

But since he's been captured - now we (the naysayers, the people that don't want him to succeed) have to whip him.

Whip him for being proud!
Whip him for telling the truth!
Whip him for being different!
Whip him for winning in spite of our attempts to keep him from winning!

The Whipping: Explained

Lash #1: During the February 26, 2008, Cleveland Democratic presidential candidate debate, Tim Russert said the following:

"On Sunday, the headline in your hometown paper, Chicago Tribune: "Louis Farrakhan Backs Obama for President at Nation of Islam Convention in Chicago." Do you accept the support of Louis Farrakhan?" link to

The bullwhip has hit the back of Obama, the proud American with the African name and heritage. It is intended to start the breaking process. Obama stands, but does not wince.

Obama's response: "You know, I have been very clear in my denunciation of Minister Farrakhan's anti-Semitic comments. I think that they are unacceptable and reprehensible. I did not solicit this support."

Lash #2: The bullwhip rares again. "Do you reject his support?"

Obama's response: "Well, Tim, you know, I can't say to somebody that he can't say that he thinks I'm a good guy. (Laughter.) You know, I -- you know, I -- I have been very clear in my denunciations of him and his past statements, and I think that indicates to the American people what my stance is on those comments."

Lash #3: The lash speed increases. It is clear that it is a challenge to break this proud man's spirit.

"The problem some voters may have is, as you know, Reverend Farrakhan called Judaism "gutter religion."

Obama's response: "I am very familiar with his record, as are the American people. That's why I have consistently denounced it. This is not something new. This is something that -- I live in Chicago. He lives in Chicago. I've been very clear, in terms of me believing that what he has said is reprehensible and inappropriate. And I have consistently distanced myself from him."

Lash #4: "The title of one of your books, "Audacity of Hope," you acknowledge you got from a sermon from Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the head of the Trinity United Church. He said that Louis Farrakhan "epitomizes greatness. . . What do you do to assure Jewish-Americans that, whether it's Farrakhan's support or the activities of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, your pastor, you are consistent with issues regarding Israel and not in any way suggesting that Farrakhan epitomizes greatness?"

Obama's response: "When I was -- just last point I would make -- when I was giving -- had the honor of giving a sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in conjunction with Martin Luther King's birthday in front of a large African-American audience, I specifically spoke out against anti- Semitism within the African-American community. And that's what gives people confidence that I will continue to do that when I'm president of the United States."

Lash #5: (It is not unusual to have someone else symbolically take the whip for a moment if a particular point of emphasis is trying to be made to the proud man or woman being whipped. At times, it may considered a point of privilege.).

Enter Sen. Clinton's commentary -

"I just want to add something here, because I faced a similar situation when I ran for the Senate in 2000 in New York. And in New York, there are more than the two parties, Democratic and Republican. And one of the parties at that time, the Independence Patty, was under the control of people who were anti-Semitic, anti- Israel. And I made it very clear that I did not want their support. I rejected it. I said that it would not be anything I would be comfortable with. And it looked as though I might pay a price for that. But I would not be associated with people who said such inflammatory and untrue charges against either Israel or Jewish people in our country."

Lash #6: "Are you suggesting Senator Obama is not standing on principle?"

Lash #7: "No. I'm just saying that you asked specifically if he would reject it. And there's a difference between denouncing and rejecting. And I think when it comes to this sort of, you know, inflammatory -- I have no doubt that everything that Barack just said is absolutely sincere. But I just think, we've got to be even stronger. We cannot let anyone in any way say these things because of the implications that they have, which can be so far reaching. "

The naysayers say: "You cannot just criticize him. You must deny him. You must deny your father. You must give up your name. You must give up your heritage. You must deny your church."

The lashes continue.

Realizing that he does not want to die politically during this debate and his campaign, Obama gives more emphasis. He accepts his "Toby" moment. He, like Kunta Kinte, makes a decision to live. Perhaps he feels inside of him the possibilities that exist if he LIVES.

Obama's response: Tim, I have to say I don't see a difference between denouncing and rejecting. There's no formal offer of help from Minister Farrakhan that would involve me rejecting it. But if the word "reject" Senator Clinton feels is stronger than the word "denounce," then I'm happy to concede the point, and I would reject and denounce.

The Reality of Survival

So Obama, the proud American with the African name and heritage, continues on. He survives this moment. He does not die on the whipping post. He keeps his pride. He accomplishes much. He even wins victory in the land that has soil rich with the blood and memory of enslaved Africans generations before (and their descendants). That land is Mississippi. Obama, the proud American with the African name and heritage, wins the popular vote of the Mississippi democratic primary.

But you can never assume that you ever lash free - as you navigate a new land, a land that you do not ultimately control, but are trying to survive and thrive in nonetheless. The overseer can pull you back at any moment for a "seasoning" designed to keep you in line and to diminish your pride.

"The main method used to control the behaviour of slaves was the threat of having them whipped. The number of lashes depended on the seriousness of the offence. Austin Steward wrote that on his plantation 39 was the number for most offences. Francis Fredric ran away and was free for nine weeks. After he was captured he was given 107 lashes. Moses Roper, received 200 lashes and this was only brought to an end when the master's wife pleaded for his life to be spared." From ""

Lash #8: A weekend before Holy Week begins the issue of comments by his pastor in sermons delivered in 2003 are elevated as YouTube and broadcast news networks are flooded with 30-second clips of Wright's "inflammatory" sermons. Obama has tried to avoid the moments of disrespect to his elder - an elder that has given him and his community much. He has repeatedly criticized the statements, but not the man.

But the lashes continue.

"Denounce him, they say."
"Deny him, they say."

The crowds increase. The modern day lynching continues.

Some of the other enslaved Africans (and well-meaning abolitionists) hang their heads low. Sad, that Kunta has accepted the name "Toby" after repeated whipping, after almost being whipped to death.

Some call him a sell-out. Others say "I would have never said the name Toby if they whipped me. How could he?" (Note: that the lash has never touched their back in such a way.")

The blessing in his "Toby" moment

In his "Toby" moment, Obama was not and is not a sell-out.

For even though Kunta Kinte took the name Toby to survive, his African spirit lived. Not only did it live, it thrived.

His legacy remained strong and revered for 6 generations and beyond. His warrior spirit and his perseverance gave birth to Chicken George - an entrepreneur who was born two generations later. Three generations later that same warrior spirit had connected with generations of grace, faith and creativity to give birth to Alex Haley.

Alex Haley, the descendant of the proud African Kunta Kinte that took the name Toby, inspired a generation of people to be proud of their heritage and to research their roots.

In the same token, even in his "Toby" moment, what has Sen. Obama, the proud American with the African name and heritage, given birth to? A generation of young people energized. A legion of elders inspired. He has given birth to a new America - America will never be the same because of what his candidacy and success has meant to so many people from so many backgrounds and walks of life.

His candidacy has brought people from every class to work together for a new America. An America that looks different than the one we have now. An America where everyone can achieve more, realize their dreams and work together for a common good.

Kesha Boyce Williams, M.A.
Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved.

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