Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day 1

Today I thought about:

1) I saw a pregnant girl smoking. I wondered did she know the dangers of smoking when she's pregnant? I wondered did she care? I wondered why not, if she didn't? Read why it's not the thing to do.

2)I passed the VA hospital on my route and thought about how my dad was in the VA hospital two years ago for a bit and wondered about the challenges that veterans have from wars past and present.

3) I passed the Fatima Family Center and noticed the adrinka symbols out front.

4)I saw a hotdog vendor at 13th and Superior and thought about the challenges of working and eating in the city. I thought about my days eating hot dogs from street vendors in other cities I've lived like Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.

5)I saw school kids coming out of the Cleveland Lighthouse Community school and wondered how hard it must be to actually learn anything with the state of education these days. I thought about how hard the teachers must be working to be inspiring when they are getting paid almost next to nothing. I noticed that most of the kids were black and there were only a few black teachers among them.

6)I boarded my bus to the suburbs and thought about how much nicer the buses are going to the suburbs than to the city.

7) I listed to Michael Baisden on the radio and wondered how one of the leaders of the Jena Six movement could also be talking simultaneously about things like getting your groove on, mama's boys and is your house clean?

8) I thought about what would be good holiday gifts for our day care providers.

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